Wednesday, June 3, 2020

New Feature Review Approve Documents with Lucidpress

If you're a project manager or a team leader, Lucidpress has some exciting news for you. It's now possible to turn on Document Approval for your team so that each document must be reviewed and approved before publishing. We're excited to introduce this feature, now live for all Business accounts. Related: From 1M to 2M users: 4 steps to scale your growth The "what" So what is Document Approval? The concept is pretty simple. When someone on your team creates a document, they cannot publish, print or share that document publicly until it's approved by a team admin. It's a way for managers (or other invested parties) to review content before it's released—and to catch any glaring inconsistencies and mistakes before your clients, customers or partners see them. Basically, each document gets a final thumbs-up from whoever's in charge. The "why" We implemented this feature for a couple of reasons. First, as bigger teams adopt Lucidpress as a core tool in their content creation process, we recognized the need to streamline project management for them. And while comments are a great way to provide feedback and discuss changes, they lack that final "stamp of approval" quality. Document Approval gives the team an unambiguous green light for publishing, printing or sharing a finalized document. Second, it supports our commitment to brand consistency. Along with other team features like Advanced Template Locking, Document Approval puts guardrails in place so that every document comes out looking its best. As we know from our own research, having a brand champion is critical to ensuring consistency—and this feature provides an easy way for brand champions to double-check collateral before it goes out into the world. The "how" There are 5 steps to the Document Approval flow, and here's how they work. Step 1: A team admin toggles on the requirement for team members to receive approval on all documents. Step 2: Team members create and edit documents like they always have, then request approval from admins. Step 3: Admins can either grant that approval, or they can leave feedback on the elements of the document that need to change. Step 4: If needed, team members make the requested changes and resubmit the document for approval. Step 5: Once approved, team members can publish, share and print the finalized document. Pretty easy, right? That's the idea. Document Approval gives team members the freedom to work without admins looking over their shoulders—because admins know they'll have a chance to see the finished document before it's published. It reduces approval time and eliminates the need for separate project management software. How to use the approval process Empower your employees, save time, and boost creative output. Thanks to Lucidpress, it's never been simpler to protect and promote your brand. Want to introduce Document Approval to your manager or team? Download or share this feature overview in Lucidpress: Not a Business user? Schedule a demo with us today to see how upgrading would benefit your team.